Help! Ticket in NC

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New Member
Last week I was travelling down I-85 (unknown to me, the third most ticketed area in NC) and passed a car in the left lane. Came around the corner, and got pegged by a trooper. As I passed I saw his wheels started to roll.
I pulled back into the middle lane, lost sight of him for a second, then saw him catch up and pull behind me and saw blue lights. I immediately pulled over, and got as far over a I could for him. I was very respectful, and didnt try any excuses. I didnt think I was going that fast, but he gave me the ticket and it said 92 in a 70! On the way back home I checked my speedometer with the mile markers and its right on.
Im planning on getting an attorney, so can anyone recommend a good one in Lexington or Winston Salem area? Im 18 and have had my license for 2 and a half years with no violations at all. What are my chances of getting it reduced to 9 miles per hour over, and what are the chances of getting a prayer for judgement? I really dont want to lose my license for 30 days, since I need to drive to work, and I really dont want the points because my insurance will shoot up, and I drive work vans for my dads buisness... Thanks! -Eric
Ticket 68 on a 45 in NC

Hello, I got a ticket going 68 on a 45. I did have the cruise control on, but it was on 55. I know that I was speeding by those standards but 68 I was not. Now the cop came back and said that I was doing 62, so I asked him it was 68 or 62.. Now, I have not had a ticket in 12 years driving with the exepction of the ticket I got may 2003 convicted in october 2003 due to my wife biegn in the hospital. My question can I use the prayer for judgement in NC? How does that work.
eliasd, please start your own thread. If you have a NC license you can go in and ask the ADA for a prayer for judgement. You only get one per household every three years. It is up to him since it is not automatic at these speeds. A 15mph over ticket in NC is an automatic suspension. You will get a lot of letters from attorneys in your mailbox. If you cannot get a PFJ on your own, pick one or send me an email.
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