Fraud, Embezzlement, Bad Checks HELP! Tricked into signing stolen credit card!

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Long story short:

Met someone known for 6 days (12 days total after everything)--went shopping and his hands were full of groceries so I signed a credit card slip when he asked me...he told me he had all his money from his school loans when I had asked him how he had money without a job. It made sense...i'm a student myself. A week later I found out from his roommates that they had given him their credit card to use to buy groceries and such...but he had racked up 8-10,000 dollars out of their atm account. They think I was a part of it--they don't know me...I had just met all of them the day I met him. He was at all the atm's withdrawing money, signing everything...not I...only that once. I caught him when I started catching on towards the end when he mentioned he had to go inside the bank to get money out, he couldn't use the I told his roommates.

The cops told them they couldn't do anything since they gave him their card. BUT they could press charges against him (the guy that tricked me) or me if they wanted. They are not speaking to me for some reason now and i'm thinking they are working on a case (I've heard from others). The bank gave them the money back. What if they lied on the police report to say it was stolen? they said they were pressing charges. I'm 26 and a full time worker and nursing student...what should i do? Should I go to the cops and press charges and tell them I was tricked? should I mention i knew they gave him the card on occasion to buy groceries and such...but I didn't know it was their card? Should I get a lawyer? HELP!!!! I can't lose my future, go to jail and forfeit my career i've worked so hard for--for something I didn't mean to be a part of!
Not meaning to be and having done so are different animals. You can be held liable for that one incident. It is unlikely you would be prosecuted criminally, if you offer to testify.
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