Help!!! Upcoming court date and i cant afford a lawyer!!!!

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New Member
My Daughter left her emotionally and verbally abusive husband in February, 2011 along with her Newborn Son. As her husband had become physically abusive she moved back in with her parents and started Divorce proceedings. She met with an Attorney she originally trusted, as time went on he clearly needed to retire. This Attorney could not remember her name or case when she would call or show up for appointments. After appeari at their first hearing to discuss an order of protection in regards to her family ( her husband attacked her father at a visitation drop off of her son)...her attorney offered her no support or rebutal after her husbands attorney aggressively questioned her about this situation and more. He sat and did nothing..after the proceedings it was apparent that this attorney was of no help to her and she promptly fired him. My Daughter is losing her home to foreclosure and is currently having her wages Garnished due to her attorney in the amount of $5,000.00.
Her husband has paid a total of $200.00 in Child Support in 13 months. He has also sold the majority of the Marital Property..(Hot Tub, Exercise equiptment, Gas Grill, Washer and Dryer). He also vandalized the property doing damage to the inside which made it impossible to put on the market for short sale. He is presently working but cannot keep consistant employment or housing. He lives off and on with various people. He has filed for Joint Legal and Physical Custody of their son, spousal support and half of her 401k. My daughter is without legal council and clearly cannot afford it at this time. She has been with the same employer for the past 11 years and the past several years in a Management position. Where can she get affordable legal help ... can she go to court without legal representation if so how does she do this. The Judge advised at their last hearing this would enough time for her to replace her lawyer but she has no money to do so...what do we do???
Her biggest concern, she wants her son to have limited exposure to his dad until hes able to verbally communicate to her any episodes of abuse. Please help with any advice pro bono attorneys, inexpensive legal council... how can she represent herself before this Judge who expects her to show up April 4th with a new Lawyer. HELP! HELP! HELP! THANK YOU!
Just wanted to tell everyone about the solution I found. I was going through a messy divorce and I couldn't afford to hire an attorney. I called ExperTalk and got my questions answered on how to file the papers myself. The lowest quote I got from an attorney to file my pa pers was $2500. With ExperTalk's help, I got everything done the right way for $35 plus my costs to file. The phone number for ExperTalk is 8882678428. I would recommend you call if you have a question and don't want to break the bank trying to get help.
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