help with legal issue with ex girl

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New Member
My issue is my ex and I have a car in our names together! I have owned every car my ex has driven being the nice guy! Now we got a new car a 2008 mitsubishi lancer which we got after my other car was totaled by her friend the plan was for the friend to make payments to my ex to make up for my ex putting the down payment on this new car! So she put the down the down payment and I have been making all payments on what is owed including insurance! We r not together there for I either want the car or off the lease! How can I do either one? I would prefer to have the car itself and get her taken off it! I just dont want to pay for what I dont have! I just pay so I dont screw my credit up any worse then what it is!
You have a problem. You need to work out a solution with your ex. Both of you are on the lease and the leasing company will likely not give either of you a full release until the lease is paid in full. She can relinquish her rights to the vehicle but the leasing company will probably not let her do so without a guarantor that is suitable, and I'm not sure who would agree just to guarantee a debt without having a benefit.
I know this is a sore subject for you so take this as a life lesson. Do not make permanent or long term financial decisions with a temporary partner. If you aren't married, don't get into financial arrangements with someone.

Ok I know its too late now. Prof is right. The leasing company isn't going to let you go, you have to work this out with your ex. If she is using the car 100% then she must pay 100%. To safeguard your credit I would have her either pay you and let you pay the note or at least I would check that it had been paid every month. If she misses payments you can bring an action against her even in small claims court for the payments that you had to make and try to get the judge to order her to give you the car because of her poor handling of the payments. Don't hold your breath on that one. Good luck.
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