Parole, Probation help with probation question please!!!

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im currently on probation on a diversion for a white collar crime, not drug related, period. ive never been in anytrouble with the law til this came about and my attorney convinved me to plead guilty and take a diversion. dumb me , i agree knowing i wouldnt cause any trouble for the next 4 years, pay my restitition and come clean in 4 years, i report 1 a month and have for 2 years without any problems, i just recently , last november got a new pro officer, for no reason ...the prior officer, went fine, no problems, the new one, has a vendetta against me, i finally found out, she has an alterior motive, through a friend of hers that wants to see me in trouble, crazy i know, but its all about who you know, i cant prove it, but know for sure, anyway long story short, ive been in pain manangent for almost 8 years, was in pain manangment before ever going on probation, goin into probation, i made my officer aware that if i ever had urine test, i would test positive for pain medication and will be on it for the remainder of my life(im 42) and have chronic pain due to 2 major car accidents and 2 heart diesease thaty cause tremendous pain on a daily basis, this medication has become a part of daily life in order to have some type of normal life, without it, i have a problem even taking a shower without hurting so bad. anyway before christmas,this person was looking for all reasons to violate me , they asked for a urine test,no problem, i took the test, tested positive for opiates, i was then asked you tested po for opiates, when was the last time you took any, i said this morning, well youre in lots of touble, i said its in my file if youve read it, its been in my feel for the last 2 years with copies of the script, they said i didnt see any thing in your file(i had seen the file open minutes earlier and could see the printout of the script, by know i know something is going down, still not a problem, i can bring another copy, the pro officer says i want you to come back tommorow and bring the meds, still not a problem, but ive never heard of that, the copy of the script is whats always accepted, i come the next day, bring the meds, next thing i know the officer has pored out all the meds on the desk and is counting them, the meds come up 40- 50 short, where is the rest of the meds????? i said you know, if there not in the botttle, they are either in another bottle(sometimes the pharmacy uses several bottles or just 1) or they are in my 14 day planner which i ususally load for each days meds including all my heart meds, thryoid meds, blood thinners, etc. well this is nt going to work, you going to be violated for missing meds, etc. be back here tommorow morning for an intervention and we are going to handle this(basically i was going to be arrested and the officer had made a comment your going to detox, or im going to force you to, the next day, the night before, i honestly bcame terribly sick with an intestional flu and vomited the whole night(remember this is a day before christmas eve, the plans were to put me in jail thru christmas hoildays, knowing i a have a family at home(new grandbaby, now thats low) anyway, i called that morning and said i have to move the appointment til after christmas, im terribly sick, i left a message, anyway after the holiday i got the call saying therewas a warrant issued for all this and there was no bond and i would have to sit in jail until he could make time in his schedule to have a hearing....WHAT????????? i have called over and over to the jail since the first week of january this year and the jail does not show a warrant, so even if i wanted to turn myself in theres no paperwork to do it, somebody has pulled the warrant out of the system luck is that, or i suppose thats what happened, anyway, they want to violate me , kill my diversion, and send me through a detox and then on th pennitentiary to finish my last year or so locked up, WHAT THE HELL? i did fput 2 and 2 togther and know whos behind all this and they are trying their best to make me go away, so they can try and get my grandbaby, who i raise each and everday since birth, they are working togther, still cant prove it, but know.sorry to ramble, but i need to vent, i have worried since christmas eve constant about leaving my grandbaby(who depends on me each day to take care of her) the daddy is and has never been in the picture and her mother(my daughter is 19) and i have her in college and working a full time job to pay for college, plus worrying about a detox, i have to have this medication to be able to just move each day, i dont think they have a right to tell me i have to detox, im not on probation for drugs, have never been charged with any drug crimes, im just in chronic pain managment for almost 10 years, and expect to always be, i =did have heart surgey to try and correct 1 of the problems, it didnt work, i have electrical pain in my chest 24/7 the medicine keeps it subdued, not to mention my disc in my back, anyway, does anyone agree that my rights were violated by asking for my meds and counting them, basically searching without a warrant(no witnesss) and demanding a printout of all my pharmacy records and medical records, thst got to be a hippa violation, not to mention 4th amenment of my rights, a copy of a script is enough, he is using my meds being short as one of the things to violate me, the remainder of the meds were at home in my planner...geez, hopefully theres somebody who agress this is wrong, he should not be entitled to access of my meds, pharmacy printouts, doc papers, the phamacist said nobody can have access to those records without a court order or if i agree, so as it stands i have a warrant and i constantly worry, what a life...he also called me a "junkie/addict and said my time was not important to him and i waste his time by having to deal with all this, i said" you are a state employee correct? whats that supposed to mean he said, my answer, us taxpayers pay your salary, wrong thing to say on my part, but sometimes the truth hurts, once again, sorry to ramble, but i need to tell the condensed story so you have insight, please help with support and answers if you have any, but im going to call washington today to the civil rights/hippa and see if this isnt a violation......thanks for your time..
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