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I just need some closure, I suppose. I was with a co for nearly 7 years. Every year, got great evals, a raise, etc. I had a customer who became a close friend and helped me financially. He was disabled, and elderly and needed a withdrawal done from his acct done by phone because he was unable to drive, much less barely walk. So, I drew up the debit had a worker process it. My customer also wanted the same to give me some money for my birthday. Same process. My mgrs call me into office to show me the copies. It says, telephone request. They comment " This customer doesn't live TOO far from here, why wouldn't he come in himself?" I explain everything to them and they asked so how did he get the money? I told them he wanted it to go to me. I get what they were getting at. He's elderly, etc. But, I knew I wasn't lying, had nothing to worry about because it was the truth. They say, ok, so we can just call him to verify this? I say, yes, of course. Now, mind according to policies monetary or any gifts are only not allowed if they are to enhance or are used in a way for promotion or position in your job from employees. Not customers. I read this. So I get to work, or the parking lot the next day, fired. They stop me, ask for my keys, and tell me to talk to my head mgr if I have any questions. I call my customer friend, tell him what happened. He's upset. He says there has to be someone he can talk to. He says no one ever called him to verify anything. He told me he was going to try and see if he could get down there to talk to someone and call me later. Other mgr calls me when I get home. She tells me, we don't even know if the transaction was even authorized, and when you were hired, you were told you were not allowed to process YOUR OWN transactions. I told her I did not process my own transaction. It was processed by another employee. Just look on the back copy. It has the employee id number. She paused and said well your initials are on there so you're fired. On top of all this, there is an employee who is close friends with the mgr who has done nearly 40 of transactions against her sons acct "per phone" call without anyone verifying this, to take money from his acct that he is not on and she will either keep some cash or transfer or put some into her own personal acct. She WAS not on her sons acct. UNTIL after they fired me and learned why. My othr co worker looked into and found they added this womans name to her sons acct to cover their "tails" Because she is still working there. I tried to bring this up and the mgr who was rude told me, what r u trying to do, get someone fired, don't you realize we're done with you? Don't come to our building , do not call anyone, do not write to anyone. No one will answer you back. We're done with you! I can't understand how they can be so unethical, and "dirty" and cover up their tracks and get away with it and nobody will help me or hear me? I'm scared to visit anyone I am still friends with because I think they woud call the cops and have me taken away. Why? Because I know what they did?
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