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I moved into this apartment in February and the lease ran out in July. I've asked for a new lease and the landlord says, "It just carries over month by month. This is not what I want. Reason being, when I moved in here the entry hallway was water damaged and smelled moldy. He promised that it would be taken care of, however, brought a can of Kilz over and told me to cover it for now. Did that. Wall leaked more. Every time the rent was due the landlord would show up and "act" like he was fixing the roof that was causing the leak. 2nd leak. In my kitchen, the tiles fell down one night after a heavy rain. I called him and left a message on his answering machine for him to call me back. I didn't say what the problem was, just to call me back. Three days later, he calls and says, "Yeah, I was at your place and saw you kitchen ceiling." I responded with, "You were inside my place? When?" He said that he came over two days ago after receiving my call and no one was home so he just came on in. Excuse me, but my lease states that only upon a 24 hr notice/ER purposes is he supposed to enter. He had no idea what I was calling about so he can't play the ER card and I didn't receive any 24hr notice either, apparent from the phone call. There have been several times since that he's entered and I've been home, but didn't answer the door. (I am an artist and sometimes I don't answer when I'm busy in the studio) This last time, however, I said point blankly, "If I don't answer and it's not an emergency, don't come in my house." He has since complied. Now back to that leak. The new tiles went up and the next day it rained, the new tiles fell down. I notified him and sure enough all month, nothing. Three days prior to rent due, he gets on the roof with a ladder, a hammer and a screwdriver. All I see is him coming down the ladder and he says, "Well, that should fix it." He put new tiles up and I paid rent. Two weeks later, we received rain and the tiles began to leak, AGAIN, imagine that. I informed him and showed him. All month, nothing. Week before rent, he shows up with this "transient" from the Mission and procedes to "fix" the tiles and the molding entry wall. He requested that we not be home, however, I had work to do and so we stayed. I watched part of the work be done and it was just foul! When the man took off the crumbling sheet rock, a large hole (approx. 8 in in diam.) was revealed. He and the landlord shoved newspapers and plastic grocery bags into it and plastered over the wall. This week we had heavy rains and guess what, yep, the tiles came down. It's now three days before rent and guess who told me that he was going to fix the roof. Yeah, okay.
I have his rent, it's a money order, but I haven't signed it yet. I'm thinking I should hand it to him and say, "Oh, wait...let me fix this." and then hold onto it until the roof is completely fixed. I've also contemplated keeping some of it for all the trouble I've had. It's disgusting and he wouldn't live this way. I'm embarrassed when perspective buyers come over to view my work. The entry hall alone turns people's stomaches before they even make it into the gallery to see my work.
Please help, rent is due tomorrow 9/5

Should I withold until the work is done? Should I report him for not doing the repairs effeciently and effectively? I love the neighborhood and my boys have friends here, I don't want to move or be evicted. I just want a dry home is that too much? I've never been late or short with rent either.

ps. I took photos with my digital camera and dated them each time. Didn't get a picture of the big hole though darn it. They covered it before I had a chance.

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