Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Help!!!!

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New Member
I am an 18 year old and I was arrested on this past 4th of July for Minor in possession by consumption. I blew a .095 which is above the legal driving limit in Georgia, but i was walking down the street in my neighborhood. I invited a FEW people over and a LOT of people showed up. Some brought alcohol and one of my neighbors called the police i because they saw a large group of teenagers in the street. But i was walking 3 younger girls(minors) to the local gas station for snacks because I did not feel intoxicated and i felt they were a lot more than myself(and they say chivalry is dead haha). But when the policeman came, he found the 4 of us walking down the street on the way back to my house and we were Breathalyzed. They also blew over a .000 but only had their parents called and got to go home. I was arrested and spent the night in jail. My question is what is the best thing for me to do when I go to court to receive the lightest punishment and also what might my punishment be? I though about getting a lawyer, but i cannot afford one and i feel it would be awaste of money because there is no fighting what the breathalyzer said. So should I plea guilty or innocent and then get a lawyer and try to fight it in a trial?
He smelled alcohol on us so that is why he suspected we were under the influence and I remember telling him i did not want to blow into the machine, but it has been like a month so I could be wrong. Another girl who was caught trying to leave the neighborhood was also charged with an MIP if that is of any importance
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