Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI Help

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I am on felony probation for strangulation. I haven't drank in a year and have followed all my terms of probation. Saturday night I got a dwi. My probation officer said he is not going to violate me but still needs to inform the court. What is going to happen when he does?
You got yourself a real, nice Christmas present from your PO. I'd be sure to thank him or her, and promise to behave myself. Then, I'd keep my word.

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he didn't realize this was my second dwi and he ended up violating me he told me i wont do jail time and i had to go for a forensic evaluation. What happens next?
Just wait if you can receive any letter frm the court. If he said that you will be do jail time maybe you will just undergo somewhat like a seminar or a training.
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