Parole, Probation Help


New Member
My bf was on 20 years of paper...he has 16 to go and got arrested for agg assault, theft, impede 911 call. All charges were dropped agg down to simple. He ran from police and now has hold on him from Alabama. Is there any way to stop this from taking place? I dont know how the system works but it seems as though until he is sent back to Alabama we can be counteractive and get him back on track
Is there any suggestions? ??
The typos and grammar make this hard to understand. If your bf violated parole or probation, he needs to be talking to his attorney immediately.
Sorry about the writing I was trying to ask the question and give plenty of information. He has got a court appointed attorney right now. I have never had any dealings with this sort of thing.
Do I need to hire him an attorney? If so what kind of an attorney? Out of which state? He is currently being held in county jail in Tn. awaiting his transfer to the state of Alabama. As I stated earlier I have no idea on how to help or which dirrection I need to go in.
I can't tell from your first post what his situation is, but it sounds like these are all criminal charges in which case, a lawyer who handles criminal defense is what you need. It is up to you whether or not you hire one. Frankly, a bf who is a criminal in multiple states means I would put the money toward a membership on before hiring this guy a lawyer. You aren't ever going to get that money back and it is very expensive. Not knowing what charges he faces in either state, I can't tell you which applies but if you call one and give him or her the full story, they can advise you whether or not they can help.
You note he has a court appointed attorney. If you can afford it, you can if you wish, hire him a private criminal attorney. He definitely needs to be working with an attorney on this.
He'll eventually be extradited (or returned) to Alabama.
He's absconded.
He'll be tried on the new charges.
A hearing will be held in Alabama on his probation or parole status.
If what you say is accurate, you can expect him to be sent back to prison.
How long?
It could be up to 16 years, if he's REVOKED.
Plus, he's likely to get MORE time for absconding.
Bottom line, I doubt he'll be a FREE man until 2025 or LONGER!!!

I suggest you reevaluate your options, especially if you were the victim of his DOMESTIC ABUSE.
He'll eventually be extradited (or returned) to Alabama.
He's absconded.
He'll be tried on the new charges.
A hearing will be held in Alabama on his probation or parole status.
If what you say is accurate, you can expect him to be sent back to prison.
How long?
It could be up to 16 years, if he's REVOKED.
Plus, he's likely to get MORE time for absconding.
Bottom line, I doubt he'll be a FREE man until 2025 or LONGER!!!

I suggest you reevaluate your options, especially if you were the victim of his DOMESTIC ABUSE.
Yes I was the victim and this has me really nervous. I have sought counceling and have my first session on Wednesday.
There has been more things that have happened where I had begged his parole officer to help me and got no where...he was trying to make other plea deals to get out of this mess but nothing worked.
I appreciate all of the feed back.
Yes I was the victim and this has me really nervous. I have sought counceling and have my first session on Wednesday.
There has been more things that have happened where I had begged his parole officer to help me and got no where...he was trying to make other plea deals to get out of this mess but nothing worked.
I appreciate all of the feed back.

Here, you can use the great FREE website to track the abusive bum and when you find his whereabouts, the website operators will notify you via a phone call, an email, or a text message whenever his status changes, especially if he makes bond or God forbid, he escapes or absconds again!!!!

VINELink ver. 2.0

VINELink ver. 2.0
Wait, you were the victim and you are afraid of him nut you want to waste your money hiring him a good defense attorney? There is no universe where that makes any sense at all. Victims are never responsible for the legal costs of their assailants, nor should they offer to cover the costs. Spend the money you would have wasted on this loser on counseling for yourself. Something is very very wrong if you even entertain the notion of paying for his attorney.
I don't understand either why you want to help him including getting him an attorney. He seems to have a court appointed attorney - let him work with that attorney.
I think that getting someone help sometimes is better than people/society turning their backs on people. I figure that a person who does these sorts of things have some kind of issues. Locking them up without at least trying to get them help only makes it worse for them when they return to society.
I learned a long time ago that it is easier to forgive someone than to carry around hate and contempt. If I forgive the way Jesus forgave me then it is a win win situation. ..if I choose not to then it affects more than me...
An attorney isn't going to get him help. You can forgive without wasting money to try and get the person out sooner so they can hurt you again. There is forgiveness, and there is absurdity. Trying to lessen the sentence or get off the guy who attacked you isn't forgiveness, it is naïve and dangerous.
It's your decision, of course, but be very careful here re any help you give him since you are the one he hurt.
I think that getting someone help sometimes is better than people/society turning their backs on people. I figure that a person who does these sorts of things have some kind of issues. Locking them up without at least trying to get them help only makes it worse for them when they return to society.
I learned a long time ago that it is easier to forgive someone than to carry around hate and contempt. If I forgive the way Jesus forgave me then it is a win win situation. ..if I choose not to then it affects more than me...

I suggest you discuss your intense desire to help the perpetrator with the prosecutor. You should have been told to have no contact with the defendant during the pendency of the criminal proceeding. It will make trouble for you if you pay for his lawyer.

If you're driven to hire him a great mouthpiece, have a TRUSTED friend of yours make the arrangements, even handing over the money to pay the lawyer.

But, before you try the latter technique, discuss it with the prosecutor or a local attorney that you've retained to protect your interests.

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