Here's to Pelham, Bama LEO... Some of the Nation's Finest


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'All the accolades over the weekend started with a post from Jenny Lamey on Facebook. She wrote that she and her husband, Chris, got up about 5:45 a.m. Friday to get everything staged and ready for the movers. About 6:30 a.m. their doorbell rang and the Lameys found Pelham police officers at their door.

'"He proceeded to tell us that he had picked up 'this nice kid' in Pelham early this morning. The nice kid, Walter, said that he was supposed to help us with our move today. It was his first day on the job with this moving company (Bellhops) and he was 'training' today," Jenny Lamey wrote Saturday night.

'The officer then told the Lameys about Carr's perseverance in getting to work.

'"He WALKED ALL NIGHT to get from Homewood to Pelham. Because he needed to get to work. For those reading this that are not local, that's over 20 miles. You could tell how the officer told us this story that he had complete admiration for Walter and by my reaction he could tell I did too,'' she wrote. "The police officer said they picked him up earlier that morning, took him to get some breakfast and once they checked his story out, brought Walter to our house."

'Jenny Lamey said Carr was welcome to stay until the rest of the Bellhops crew arrived, and even offered him the chance to go upstairs and take a nap until then. He declined and said he could go ahead and get started. So, he began alongside the Lameys until the crews got there.'
Birmingham college student walked 20 miles to 1st day of work so his boss gave him his car

Here's a podcast from a local talk show who interviewed Carr and Lamey.

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