hidden camera sexual harrassment

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Can i press charges if I have proof somebody has put a hidden camera in a bathroom of my work place??

Maybe. What is this "proof?" Do you have the camera? Do you have images captured by the camera?

As suggested, you can contact the police and provide them the evidence and let them investigate.
This is more of a privacy issue than sexual harassment. Police may not take much interest depending upon exactly where the camera was located. This sounds like an issue for civil courts.
I'm not going to look it up, but I strongly suspect that the surreptitious recording of people naked/exposed in the bathroom, is also a crime.
What can I do if I got proof sonebody has put a hidden camera in the bathroom at my job

I'be seen broken cameras before. Haven't you?
Agree, do you know who this "somebody" is that you mention & have proof it was that person? If it was a "hidden camera", how did you find it/find out about it?
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