High School Student

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This is not really legal advice as much as it is me wondering if I am being harrassed by my school I have no intention of making a case but I would like to know if they try to screw me out of my diploma within the next month if I will have a case.

Early senior year I attempted to switch shops due to extreme dislike of
my trade. All of my teachers know I have a passion for computers. I was
attempting to switch from electrical wiring to CIT. My councellor told me
both my shop teacher and the shop teachers of CIT agreed to let me switch
but the new vocational director said no. My councellor then told me some
people would tell me I should just drop out and that I shouldn't persue
that road. A few days later my shop teacher said that I could always drop
out not in a sarcastic manner or in response to anything I said that day but
as a reaction to me not being able to leave. Then a few days later I got in

I was asked to drill a peice of metal to fit into a box I attemped to do it but
failed my teacher sent me to metal fabrication to get a new peice of metal I
tried again and failed to get it to fit right again. My teacher told me to go back
and tell them I needed another one because im an idiot. before he said this I was
already frustrated so I refused to go down and refused to work. He sent me down to
the vocational office. Everytime I get sent down to the voc. office they make me sit
there litterally all day that day for example I was sent down near second period and
sat until late seventh period before I even had a chance to talk to the voc director.
seventh period is the last period of the day. While waiting I was asked to write a report
i wrote what the teacher said and that i was too angry and frustrated to work the voc dir told
me I was wrong then gave me either 3 detentions or a saturday school I think
it might have been both. He then started talking to me about my options with me wanting
to switch shops because I mentioned how much I hated shop. none of the options where actully
moving to another shop as that was "against his policy" but even my guidance councellor
told me the previous vocational director allowed such switches senior year if the student
really wanted it. He started to hint at dropping out but right away I said I'm not going
to drop out I want my high school diploma that was the end of the conversation. My guidance
councellor had told me she was going to have a meeting with me, the voc dir, and my shop teacher
prior to the vocational director denying my request to leave shop. I was never invited I beleive
they had the meeting without me and decided if I don't like my shop I should just drop out...

Now later in the year I learn that I don't have enough hours in shop to graduate everyone
is telling me I have to make them up to get my diploma. When you get kicked out of shop to get
disciplined you loose the amount of hours that you are gone. Sophomore and Junior year this
happened alot I admit most of it was my fault for being immature but I'm a high school
student some level of immaturity is expected. But yet I get sent down and have to sit all day
and loose all the hours that i was down there for. Now a couple days ago me and my teacher worked
out a way for me to makeup my hours i have to stay after everyday until the end of the year and come
to a vocational open house for three hours. He gave me a paper yesterday and told me to sign it
I asked him what it was, he said just sign it don't even bother reading it it's just a formality.
When I looked at it, it talked about the different options I have for making up my hours the teacher
can A have me make up the hours, B give me a four year certificate reguardless of me missing hours,
or C give me a two year certificate. All of my teachers know I have no interest whatsoever of my trade
but yet I was never even informed of the option to just get a two year certificate with my high school diploma
they let me stress over getting my hours done for months. Of course for months I didnt even try but I have been very stressed
which has lead me to not bother with alot of things.

There are alot of other scenarios and things that have happened to me in school with the administration that
are similar to these but these are the major ones. I have no intention of filing anything against the school
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