Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse Hindering

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I have a friend who was letting her brother, who is on parole, live with her. Her brother got stopped one night and was arrested for poss of a controlled sub. They set his bail & he bailed out. Then a couple weeks later his parole officer issued a blue warrent for him. So two cops came to my friends house looking for him. When he saw the cops he told her that he was running out the back door. So she meets them in her front yard & when ask if he was there she told them that he ran out the backdoor. They then ask if they could look inside for him & she told them to help theirself. They went in and went room to room and found the bathroom door locked. They unlocked the door & found him standing there. Then they cuffed my friend & told her that she was under arrest for hindering the arrest of a felon. While they were looking for him they found some weed & meth in the spare bedroom which was where he had been staying. So they charged her with poss. of them and he picked up no charges but still went to jail for the warrent. She was charged with two felonies & 1 misd. Now they are dropping her brothers original poss charge b/c of something to do with the evidence, which was the reason for the blue warrent & why they came to her house in the first place. Now should any or all of her charges be dropped or not. It cant be right for him to walk free and her be locked up all b/c of him and his drugs. Thanks.
If the drugs were found in a room that she had access to, and they can make a reasonmable case that she had access to the drugs or should have reasonably known they were there, she can be convicted.

She needs a lawyer.

- Carl
She should be assigned a PD, she should be asking him these questions.

If she can prove the drugs were her brothers she MIGHT have a chance of getting this taken care of. Is he willing to tell the DA that they were his drugs?

Unfortunately this woman got herself in this mess by allowing her troublemaking parolee brother to stay with her. Hopefully she will write him off after this due to all the trouble this has caused her.
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