- Jurisdiction
- Idaho
I had a bill with a dr. office, that I had believed was paid. The Dr.'s office submitted to my insurance and I never head a thing again from them (no statements, no phone calls). I thought it had been paid in full as I had 2 insurances for the accident. Later, I got a summons for court to collect on the balance of the unknown debit, the lawyer demanded I sign a release for information - I refused and asked him to validate the debt (he never did). I contacted the original creditor and asked questions about the bill. I Paid the balance,they said I owed and asked for a statement to show it was paid and the history. I also told the Dr. office that they could not provide any info. to the lawyer, and that they needed to provide me any information they had sent to the lawyer, to include any contracts I had signed to allow the lawyer to see my medical records or diagnosis or that they had transferred the debt to this lawyer and his client (the collection agency). The DR's office billing dept. sent me a statement that " showed my payment and that my balance was 0. but they had wrote on the the statement; " This is the information that would be sent to the collection agency as well as your date of birth, and phone number. They do not receive your diagnosis codes or times for your procedures." HOWEVER, THE DIAGNOSIS, was clearly on the statement under : DX 1 M67.52 Pica Syndrome, Left Knee. PLUS it had the Activity description: Code: 01400 P1 " Anest, Knee Joint Surgery, ASA: 01400 - Anest, Knee Joint Surgery Time: 14:59-15:45 min: 46P/s
1 TotU:8:00.
So, didn't she just tell me in this statement that she didn't give this very same information, to the collection agency plus the lawyer? Is this a violation of my hippa rights as they had my diagnosis code as well as my surgery info? If so, why and what can I do? I know I can file a complaint with the hhs, but can I sue? if so what is my damages? and IF it is NOT a violation, why? I am concerned, because they also submitted the statement to the court records in the case against me, and it will become a matter of public record. If I also go to court what can I tell the judge about my Hippa violations and what can I do to protect my information? Thanks for your help.

So, didn't she just tell me in this statement that she didn't give this very same information, to the collection agency plus the lawyer? Is this a violation of my hippa rights as they had my diagnosis code as well as my surgery info? If so, why and what can I do? I know I can file a complaint with the hhs, but can I sue? if so what is my damages? and IF it is NOT a violation, why? I am concerned, because they also submitted the statement to the court records in the case against me, and it will become a matter of public record. If I also go to court what can I tell the judge about my Hippa violations and what can I do to protect my information? Thanks for your help.