Hired for not showing up

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I was fired for not showing up because I was at MSU for my birthday. I knew I had to work but just turned my phone off and didn't show up. They want me to pay $750 for the business they lost. They are holding my paycheck until I have a meeting with them but the paycheck is only going to be like $50. They are a law firm and said it wouldn't cost them anything to sue me. Can they even sue me for anything?
They cannot hold your paycheck for any reason. You can file a claim for unpaid wages with your state Dept. of Labor.

Sure, they can try to sue you, but it would probably get thrown out before it even got to court.

Having said that, why in the world would you just not show up for work and not even call? That was a really bonehead move.
While they can try to sue you, it's unlikely they will succeed.

As Peppermint says, you can file a wage claim for any hours actually worked that you were not paid for.

But they sure as heck can fire you, and I wouldn't count on getting unemployment, either.
If they try and sue me how come they will lose? Won't it go to a small claims court? And do they even have a case? Is saying that I cost them $750 because I didn't show up a legitimate claim?
Anybody can sue anyone for anything. I can sue you because I don't like your shoes. Doesn't mean I'll win.

So yes, they can sue you. But they won't win because you are not responsible for their loss of income.

You DO have liability for showing up when you're supposed to, or calling if you're not, so you CAN be fired, and it WILL stick, and the chance of your collecting unemployment is slim at best. But successfully suing you is a different matter.
Well I am 20 so that's why I'm a bonehead and didn't call and I'm not too worried about unemployment, well, because I'm 20. They also want me to set up a meeting with them and my dad to talk about how I am going to pay them back. Should I just not even call and go on with my life or call them and say that I'm not going to pay them?
You're an adult. Leave your dad out of it; he has no dog in this fight. I would either ignore their calls for a "meeting". I would ignore their "demand" for "restitution". I would, however, call and say "I will be in on X day at Y time to pick up my final pay; if it is not ready for me, with no strings attached, I will have no choice but to file an unpaid wage claim with the state Dept. of Labor".

BTW, what date were you fired (not hired, as your subject line says)?
Just being 20 is not an excuse for being a "BoneHead"... You do understand that there are kids 10yr old fighting battles with guns. I wish the youth would understand age has nothing to do with being responsible. They should have fired you, but can't hold your check. With out more facts its hard to say if they really did lose money. What if the poster was hired to perform a crimescene reenactment? Is there a clause in his/her contract that states they can recoup fee's in case of no show? without the details of his/her job it's hard to say they don't have a case....
the place where i work is where kids can come in to the store and paint plaster pieces. its a minimum wage job which means nothing to me since i have another job anyway. another aspect of the situation is the father whose little girl's party it was was banging and pulling on the locked door so hard that it tripped the alarm and the police had to come. I don't feel this should be a determining factor because I wasn't the one pulling the door and going crazy.
Forget their empty, idle threats.

In fact, why worry about a lousy $50 check?

You've already got another job, right?

If I were you, I'd move on to better things!

You had fun.

Consider the $50 as tribute paid for fun at MSU!

the place where i work is where kids can come in to the store and paint plaster pieces. its a minimum wage job which means nothing to me since i have another job anyway. another aspect of the situation is the father whose little girl's party it was was banging and pulling on the locked door so hard that it tripped the alarm and the police had to come. I don't feel this should be a determining factor because I wasn't the one pulling the door and going crazy.
I understand you don't "care". But let me tell you something. When a prospective employer contacts this company for a reference, don't be surprised if they tell them exactly what happened. 20 years old is old enough to take responsibility for your commitments.

BTW, I checked your state, and your final paycheck isn't actually due until your next regularly scheduled payday, so you can't file a wage claim until that date comes and goes without a paycheck.
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And you aren't going to be 20 years old forever. 20 is more than old enough to show some sense of responsibility, and if you make a habit of this you're not going to keep this job, or any other job, very long. And it will get harder and harder to find new ones, because despite what you've probably heard, it is 100% legal for any of these employers to say to a prospective employer, "Yes, we fired boobymiles for a no-call, no show."
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