Hired then told to wait

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Hello everyone,
I have a situation that i am not sure what to do about. I was contacted by itac solutions a recruiting firm about an open position with a local company. We set up an phone interview and everything went good. I was called back and was scheduled for a face to face interview a couple of days later. I went to the interview and interviewed with three people. Less than an hour later i received a call from the recruiter stating that they want to hire me and have made me an salary offer. I accepted and was told to start in two days, arrive at the business at lunch so that the person showing me around could do so. Everything went good that day and i arrived at 8 the next morn.. My boss and i went around the business doing some work to get me introduced to everyone. I left work around 630 that night. The next morn. i come in and was told that my boss has got to go out of town and that because of "security issues" that i could not stay there and work while he was gone. They told me that he would be gone for about two weeks and they would contact me when he returns. It has now been almost 7 weeks and i have heard nothing from anyone. The recruiter can not even get a hold of anyone. After multi. atempts of calling and leaving messages. I decided to go to the business yesterday 4/12/10 to meet with the hr manager (he is the one that told me he would be contacting me.) The woman up front went to his office and was told that he does not have time to meet with me. I am not sure what is going on as no one will talk to me.
They aren't going to hire you.
I am going to talk to them today. Made an appointment with hr guy. Can they just hire someone and two days later decide to let you go?
To army judge: That is what i am thinking also, but i just want to follow up and talk to them and let them know that if the position does become available again, i would like to be considered.
They can hire you and then two HOURS later decide to let you go.

Google, at-will employment.
I was just told by the hr guy, that my trainer has had another job offer and that if he takes it that they will no longer need me. They will look for someone with more exp. I love how they just told me to wait ,not we do not need you anymore, for the past seven weeks and now tell me this.
Since I was offered a salary position, and was paid for the time that I did spend (a couple of days) out there before they told me to wait. Should I be compensated for my time? Also, I turned down two employment offers shortly after I was offered the position. If I am unable to find other opportunities, am I able to file unemployment? thanks
"Salaried" is merely a pay method. Even if you were salaried exempt (which is based on your job duties), the employer would have to pay your full salary only for your first day worked through the end of the scheduled workweek.

For example, if the workweek starts on Sunday, you started on Tuesday and were originally scheduled to work through Friday, they would only have to pay you 4/5 of your salary.
That's the BEST case scenario. Even an exempt salaried employee only has to be paid hours worked during the first OR last week of employment.
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