Hiring Employer Cost me my previous job

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I was a Federal Employee with Social Security Administration. I put in a 2 week notice and left that job because I was offered a job with KBR as a Logistics Coordinator. I received notification that I was to process in Houston on Feb 6th 2011. I did not receive any travel information as stated in my offer letter nor will my recruiter contact me back to explain anything. I was never notified if the position was ever cancelled or rescinded. I have tried to get in touch with my reruiter for over a month via email and Voicemail with no response or reply. I spent money on the fingerprinting, faxing, copies, and dental exam for this position. KBR cost me my career and livihood. I want to know if this is something that I can take them to court over.
Talk to a couple of attorneys in your area about this.

You can take anyone to court.

In a case like thus, forget small claims.

Depending on what the lawyers say, therein lies your answer.

I'd give you a 5% shot at some minimal success via a lawsuit.

Why not escalate your concerns to someone else at KBR?

Try to contact a director or VP over human resources or recruiting!
Your letter wasn't an offer employment.

It was contingent on several other events being completed or approved.

You should not have resigned until you were offered employment.

You screwed yourself.

I give you 0% of success after reading your letter.

Contact KBR. Something was amiss in your pre-processing
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