Hiring friends from other jobs

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Ok so here it goes. I am a civilian nurse and work at an army hospital. my supervisor who used to work a a nearby hospital but then went active duty became my boss. All nurses on my unit military and civilian work 12hr shifts alternating weekends and holidays. thats what all our jobs say for that specialty area. So she started hiring people she new from her old job (all civilian nurses) the problem is she is giving them special shifts for example. she hired one girl for triage nurse she works 07 to 1600, one for i am not sure what she kinda floats around doing odd jobs and works 07 to 1530, another works 0545 until 1600 and only does surgery pt's. all other nurses including me who i am the charge nurse work 0645 to 1915. Another night shift nurse gets off at 0500. so basically at 1530 and 1600 3 nurses go home leaving the rest of us nurses some who have been here 15 years to pick up the slack by taking over the triage and other patients including the ones we already have. I talked to the union they don't think its a union problem not an eo complaint cause we are mostly white. but to of the other new hires ones she has never worked with she told them no they had to work 0645to 1915 and would also have to rotate to nights, but not her new buddies from her old job. Is there anything that can be done.
Ok so here it goes. I am a civilian nurse and work at an army hospital. my supervisor who used to work a a nearby hospital but then went active duty became my boss. All nurses on my unit military and civilian work 12hr shifts alternating weekends and holidays. thats what all our jobs say for that specialty area. So she started hiring people she new from her old job (all civilian nurses) the problem is she is giving them special shifts for example. she hired one girl for triage nurse she works 07 to 1600, one for i am not sure what she kinda floats around doing odd jobs and works 07 to 1530, another works 0545 until 1600 and only does surgery pt's. all other nurses including me who i am the charge nurse work 0645 to 1915. Another night shift nurse gets off at 0500. so basically at 1530 and 1600 3 nurses go home leaving the rest of us nurses some who have been here 15 years to pick up the slack by taking over the triage and other patients including the ones we already have. I talked to the union they don't think its a union problem not an eo complaint cause we are mostly white. but to of the other new hires ones she has never worked with she told them no they had to work 0645to 1915 and would also have to rotate to nights, but not her new buddies from her old job. Is there anything that can be done.

I don't see a legal issue with the story you've detailed.
You could speak to your HR Department and ask them if there are any rules about scheduling and seniority.
I doubt that they exist, however, because the union indicated that it saw no contract violations.
One option is seeking new employment.
Another option would be to exercise patience, bosses come, bosses go!
typical army answer sorry to hear it but after 5 years for me and 15 for my co-worker i am not finding a new job, now if my boss the cpt was treating sgt whoever with more favor than sgt no one the cpt would be in trouble, but since the ones getting treated unfair are civilian we can do nothing. Sorry to say but us civilians who stay behind, pick up the slack for the missing army nurses (patient load doesn't change just because nurses deploy) stay in the hospital when they are on their training holidays and pt test. well we get nothing not even respect.
nurse343 said:
typical army answer sorry to hear it but after 5 years for me and 15 for my co-worker i am not finding a new job, now if my boss the cpt was treating sgt whoever with more favor than sgt no one the cpt would be in trouble, but since the ones getting treated unfair are civilian we can do nothing. Sorry to say but us civilians who stay behind, pick up the slack for the missing army nurses (patient load doesn't change just because nurses deploy) stay in the hospital when they are on their training holidays and pt test. well we get nothing not even respect.

You don't get respect, you have to earn it. You do get a paycheck. You're also free to quit, if your working conditions are not to your liking!

My answer was a legal answer in accordance with the prevailing labor laws.

I don't care if you quit, hit the lottery, or get fired.

I do care that whiners and complainers are serving our nation's soldiers.

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Agree, this was the correct legal answer. Short of an employment contract or CBA guaranteeing your working conditions, they can be changed at any time.
Your a nasty human

I was asking a legal guestion you are the one who said if i don't like it quit! I am not a winner or complainer i work hard and take very good care of the soilders and familes i serve why else would i stay and try and make it better. I do earn my respect and would never just ask for it i am 40 i think that is a life lesson i have learned thank you. I get treated very well infact i was just asking the legal questions because i am the charge nurse of this unit and it seems to be tearing my team appart. I was just asking why is it legal for an active duty boss to do this to civilians but not other active duty. I didn't ask for you to be hateful or unkind. you don't know me as i don't you and i only hope your answer was because you had a bad day. otherwise it once again makes me wonder about who serves our legal system. I could give you my opinion about that but i am a professional and will not resort to that. Sincerely
You don't get respect, you have to earn it. You do get a paycheck. You're also free to quit, if your working conditions are not to your liking!

My answer was a legal answer in accordance with the prevailing labor laws.

I don't care if you quit, hit the lottery, or get fired.

I do care that whiners and complainers are serving our nation's soldiers.

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nurse343 said:
I was asking a legal guestion you are the one who said if i don't like it quit! I am not a winner or complainer i work hard and take very good care of the soilders and familes i serve why else would i stay and try and make it better. I do earn my respect and would never just ask for it i am 40 i think that is a life lesson i have learned thank you. I get treated very well infact i was just asking the legal questions because i am the charge nurse of this unit and it seems to be tearing my team appart. I was just asking why is it legal for an active duty boss to do this to civilians but not other active duty. I didn't ask for you to be hateful or unkind. you don't know me as i don't you and i only hope your answer was because you had a bad day. otherwise it once again makes me wonder about who serves our legal system. I could give you my opinion about that but i am a professional and will not resort to that. Sincerely

I wore my nation's uniform for 29 years on active duty. I spent 4 of those years in combat. Before I became a JAG, I was a Ranger. I don't have bad days. I retired as a colonel in the JAG Corps.

I gave you legal advice. I stand by every word of it.

I know whiners when I hear or see them. You were given an answer by the union. You were given answers here. You didn't want to hear it.

The Army treats it's civilians, dependents, and military personnel well. If you feel you are being treated unfairly, file a complaint with your EEO officer, report it to personnel, file a grievance, or tell the hospital commander.

Army officers are human. They make mistakes. If the captain is misusing you, report him/her. No one on this board can help you anyway.
thank you for the professional answer that is all i wanted. It helps to know what i can tell others as to where they might take their complaints. believe it or not i am very tired of hearing all their complaints, but like i said i am the charge nurse so they expect me to fix it or tell them where to go for help. the truth is sometimes i just don't know where to tell the to go or who to call. thank you and thanks for serving.
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