Hiring/Promotion Practice

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New Member
I have worked at this firm since August 2003 as a customer service associate. In April of 2005 I applied for a position and in May 2005(the day before my mother's funeral) I interviewed successfully, however I was not offered the position for the reason of being too reserved. I was later advised the person hired in the position was on a final warning in her previous position and this was done so that she would keep her job. (This was hearsay) A year later(2006) I posted for the same position and was told I did not interview successfully because the answers I provided in the behavioral interview were not adequate, I found that to be ironic, but I accepted it. Last year (2007) posted for a different position and once again interviewed successfully and was advised I did not get the position because the team did not have the resources to train me, since that time that position has been posted at least 3 times. This past March (2008) yet again I posted for a position (delivery specialist II) at the urgency of another associate who had applied for it and successfully interviewed (not having any experience) however because of her pay band it would not be an advantage to her so she was advised that the (delivery specialist III) role would be posted especially for her and to go out and apply and that would be her role, not to mention her husband has a substantial role in this business group. I posted for the role (specialist II) and interviewed on yesterday and was advised today I did not have the experience and one of the examples on the behavioral interview(communications) I answered but the answer did not mention me working with the client ,which having this experience was a requirement for the position. Mind you I have worked with the same company on the same team for almost 5 years and 85% of my work involves me working with the client. Also from my experience with any position that an associates applies for requires some type of training. Before and during my application phase I reached out to numerous associates who are in this position or worked closely with someone who is or has worked in this position and was advised that training would be provided and basically no prior experience was required. Also there are others in the position that were hired and are working who did not have any prior experience in this particular role nor do they hold any type of degree which is also a noted requirement. Each time I apply for a position I seem to pass the interview, but there is always some lame reason why I am not offered the position. I am currently under FMLA for a medical condition and have been for the past few years, could this be the reason? Please advise me what I should do besides seeking other employment.
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