Hispanic Top Financial Advisor

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I have worked for an S&P 500 financial services company. I have been a top financial advisor with production numers near the top of the list every quarter. I am the only Hispanic financial advisor at the firm and there seems to be no reprentation in management or non customer service/contingent postions. Since I have become more successful, it seems that the firm has supported other reps, other internal competitors that were not minorities more then I. It even seems that the more successful I have become the less opportunnity I have been given and the more competition they stac on top of me. I have significantly out performed every memeber of my group and other internal advice solutions. I do not feel that my firm has respected my performance and given me the same opportunities that they gave other employees. Recently they started an elite group, many in my role were interviewed, while i was not.

I am still gainfully employed and I am affraid to lose my job. I have been keeping these feelings quiet for four years while at the same time keeping lists of all promotions. In four years I did not find one hispanic. What can I do? Shoudl I wait until I no longer am employed to take action? Should I go and voice my opinion to HR? Thank you for any help you can provide.
I would not contact H.R especially if cause exists. Civil rights litigation is extremely difficult to peruse, and even more difficult surprisingly for sales people who are top performers.
Contact a Lawyer to see if cause exists, I would not get my hopes up.
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