Hit and Run Help!

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When I got home, I noticed some scratches down the back end of my door.

Now I didn't notice them when I left work, so I'm assuming it happened when i stopped in the store parking lot on the way home.

I drive a black BMW, and there was white paint on it, so I'm thinking either someone hit me on their way out, or I suppose I could've brushed up against someone and not noticed?

Either way I'd like to rectify the situation.

Any advice?
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I praise you for your honesty, yet I question your driving skills for parking in a tight spot and not realizing if you scraped the side of an adjacent car!

I assume you were parked in a retail or office parking lot. This would not be a hit and run. It would be a civil complaint.

If you truly would like to make things right, advertise. Put a notice in the grocery store window if this happened in a grocery parking lot. If in a small community, put a notice in the local community newsletter.
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