hit and run

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My boyfriend was injured in a hit and run accident the other day. We were crossing the street (in the middle of the cross walk, and yes we had the right of way) When an SUV came flying around the corner and drove right into him as he pushed me out of the way. He was transported by ambulance to the hospital and suffered a large laceration to his forearm and a severed artery amongst other cuts and bruises. he is very lucky to be alive! Unfortunately, we did not get the license plate number of the maniac that hit him, as he drove off. Is there any recourse?
My boyfriend was injured in a hit and run accident the other day. We were crossing the street (in the middle of the cross walk, and yes we had the right of way) When an SUV came flying around the corner and drove right into him as he pushed me out of the way. He was transported by ambulance to the hospital and suffered a large laceration to his forearm and a severed artery amongst other cuts and bruises. he is very lucky to be alive! Unfortunately, we did not get the license plate number of the maniac that hit him, as he drove off. Is there any recourse?

I'm glad to know your SO is on the mend.

He's a hero, so be extra nice to him while he heals.

He saved your life!

You can make a police report, if you haven't done so already.

Then you can pray and hope they find the phantom maniac.

I doubt that the creep will ever be caught.

If he isn't, you can apply to the NY State Crime Victim's Board.

Their link is in the box below.

They are supposed to assist crime victims with certain expenses.

I think your hero guy qualifies!

The New York State Crime Victims Board (CVB) is here to help you in a number of ways as you, a family member, or friend cope with victimization from a crime. This page is designed to: describe the services CVB can provide both directly and indirectly, educate you on your rights as a victim, and point you to other service providers who may also be able to assist you.

A core mission of CVB is to provide compensation to innocent victims of crime for their out-of-pocket losses associated with the crime. This compensation, which in New York is broad and comprehensive, particularly in the area of long-term medical benefits, provides some financial relief to victims, who often suffer long-term financial loss in addition to the harm caused by the crime itself. For more information on the compensation CVB can provide and to obtain an application for compensation, please review: A Guide to Crime Victim Compensation in New York State, Frequently Asked Questions, and our Claim Application and Instructions.

I agree your SO is definitely a Hero and deserves to get something for his bravery to take a hit from an SUV. Just like stated above you should file a police report but I believe that there is a good chance that he will be caught if the police do their jobs properly. Now a days there are cameras every where and if it was at a major intersection the traffic lights should of had a camera installed. With the invention of CCTV people like this maniac that hit your SO are getting caught and being tried as they should.
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