Hit and Run


New Member
I rear ended a pizza delivery car
, (with very minimal damage) and fled the scene. #1 is it a misdermeanor, or a felony and #2 is it possible to get charges dropped , if the other party agrees to ?
If you leave the scene of an accident that only resulted in property damage, the charge you face is a Class A misdemeanor and is punishable by up to 1 year in jail and fines reaching $6250.

Ref: Or. Rev. Stat. §811.700

If you leave the scene of an accident and there were injuries as a result of the accident you could face a harsher penalty. Hit and run involving injuries is a Class C felony. Class C felonies are punishable by up to 5 years in prison and fines reaching $125,000.

Ref: Or. Rev. Stat. §811.705

The other party (parties) have no say in determining what the prosecutor or the police decide to do.

You may even receive a a citation in Oregon if you left the scene of an accident that you simply witnessed, and weren't otherwise involved.
You might want to talk to a lawyer to get the best outcome possible.
If you fled the scene then you have no idea if anyone was hurt. Good going. I see you're a fine, upstanding citizen.

What is your reason for evading responsibility?
As it appears you've been identified, negotiating this yourself may not be optimal. Retaining an attorney is probably the way to go, especially since you'll want to make sure that any type of settlement is airtight, especially if the police were called and it's clear you fled the scene knowing you had struck another car. @Highwayman - One has to wonder whether the manner in which the original poster was identified was through some type of recording device. That doesn't bode well.

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