Hit head on cuboard door left open at friends house

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About a month ago I was at a friends house helping her clean her trailer that was sitting on her property. I put a bag for garbage near the sink. I saw my friend open the cuboard over to the sink, looking into it as she was talking on her cell phone. She then moved away from the sink and I walked toward the sink with more garbage. I didn't notice that she left the cuboard door open and hit my head on it hard enough to make me bounce backwards. I went and put ice on it. The next morning when I woke up I was dizzy but wasn't overly concerned about it. But the following morning I woke up at 3:00 in the morning, the right side of my face felt numb along with the dizziness. This frightened me so I called the advice nurse and told her what had happened. She told me to call 911 and that she was going to call me back to make sure I made the call.
I have fallen in another friends yard in the past and they offered to have their property insurance pay for my doctor bills without my even asking. When I mentioned this to my friend, she said that they would either loose their property insurance or it would be raised. These friends of mine have several millions worth of property's and we have been friends for over 30 years, and all I was asking for was help with my doctor bills for this accident. My friend said that she thought that my dizziness and numbness couldn't have happened from hitting my head on their cuboards and that maybe it was the heat that caused my problems. I was worried about even mentioning that maybe their property insurance could pay because of our friendship, but now after seeing how she doesn't even act concerned about my injury I feel our friendship is over.
Is this injury something that my friend should be responsible for paying?
What IS your injury? Did the doctors diagnose a problem? Did the doctors say it was caused by the the bump to your head?

How much of your medical treatment was not covered by your own insurance? If you decide to sue your friend or her insurance for the balance, I think this statement might be a problem for you:
I saw my friend open the cuboard over to the sink, looking into it as she was talking on her cell phone. She then moved away from the sink and I walked toward the sink with more garbage.
I am not any kind of expert, though, so I may be way off.
At the emergency room, they drew blood and took a CAT scan. When the results came back, the doctor said that I didn't have a stroke and he didn't see a concussion. The doctor thought that I might have had a TIA, but wasn't sure. The doctor said he wasn't sure what caused my symptoms with only taking a CAT scan and drawing blood. I called the hospital to see what the diagnosis was; they said that it was "skin sensation disturbance and musculoskeletal symptoms".

The next day I went to my doctor office for a follow-up. She didn't think that I needed further procedures to check for a cause. She told me my dizziness would probably go away in about a month. Although I am still a little dizzy, my dizziness seems to be getting better (seven weeks later). I also called to see what my doctor put as the diagnosis; they said it was "peripheral vertigo and otalgia (ear pain). I never complained about ear pain, so I don't know where she got that. I am going to call the doctor's office tomorrow and ask about it.

I'm sure that the dizziness I had was a result of hitting my head and I have never had numbness in my face before. I'm also sure I wouldn't have called for an ambulance if I didn't have these symptoms and was advised to dial 911.

I had my insurance billed and after they paid, I now owe $718.00. I don't make enough money to pay my bills, so this is a big set back for me.

My friend did call and leave a message on my phone yesterday saying that they reported my accident to their insurance. So I am expecting to get a call from the insurance.

Is this enough information to get my friends property insurance to pay for my medical bills?
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