HOA Harassment

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New Member
The rules of our HOA state the following about the garage space:

"Residents/guests are encouraged to park multiple vehicles in the garage, to the extent that space is available, and residents must park at least one vehicle in the garage as a normal practice."

We recently moved a set of bunk-beds into the garage (still assembled). During the day, we move the car out of the garage and use the space as a place for one or more people to hide out and read or do homework and at night we park the car (and my motorcycle) in the garage.

Our HOA has sent several letter accusing us of having "people living in the garage" which we do not and demanding that we remove the beds. But I have no other space for the beds and we are not violating the rules.

No one has even been to our house to ascertain the facts and I honestly have no idea which of our neighbors would make such a claim since we are all on good terms.

Do these letters constitute harassment? If so, what can be done to get these people to leave us alone and not fine us?
Thanks for your response Gail. Question though - why should I be required to disassemble them if I am not breaking any rules having them as they are? It may just be that I have a stubborn independent/anti-communist streak but I really resent the HOA butting into my affairs when clearly I am doing nothing wrong.

The previous residents had the exact same setup for six years and no one said anything to them. This is another reason why I am feeling harassed.
You may have an independent streak but pick your battles well. Is this issue really worth expending energy over? On other sites folks who have had problems with their local HOA's have been encouraged to run for a seat on them (when able to do so) to try and change their HOA's focus.

Personally, I detest HOA's and wouldn't live in a place if it meant being stuck with one.

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