HOA Harassment

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New Member
My husband and I have lived in a condominium complex for the last 5 years. Over those years we have had a couple of issues with getting notices from our HOA. The first notice was about a punching bag hanging from our carport which we removed upon getting the letter. The second notice was a $50 fine because someone saw our children in the pool after hours and then saw them enter our unit. Only problem is that we don't have any children.

We are good neighbors and keep our unit and area in great condition. But I can't help but feel like we have been picked on in the past, and the idea that my neighbors are sitting around watching who comes in and out of my house makes me feel uncomfortable.

I am now considering my options for dealing with my HOA, after a notice I received today threatening a fine if I do not remove "plant material" from my patio. I am assuming they mean a small honeysuckle plant on a trellis that is not overgrown or encroaching on anyone else's area. I can't imagine what else they would be referring to. It has been there for 5 years and I never imagined for a second that it could possibly be a violation.

This notice has really upset me, and my gut feeling is to dig my heels in on this one, especially knowing that 90% of our neighbors also have some tree or ivy vine, etc that qualifies as a violation of something or another. I'm tempted to cry harassment since apparently nothing is being done about their plant material (which I couldn't care less about, it's not harming anything!) What recourse do I have?
Learn your bylaws and procedures and appeal any decisions against you.
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