Holding personal belonings and pet hostage

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My ex and I lived together for 3yrs. He is the only one listed on the lease. He put me out of the residence w/our 4mo old and have changed the locks so I am unable to retrieve my personal belonings and my pet. He refuses to answer his phone or text messages. I had made arrangments to move my things nd my pet out of the apartment but b/c of his lack of compliance I lost out on the opportunity to do so. I would like to know if it is possble to file a lawsuit against him so I may retrieve my beloning and possibly be compensated for moving costs.
Call the police.
Ask them to meet you at the apartment to do a civil standby, while you retrieve y]a few of your belongings.
Do it when you know he's home.
Sue him?
Yes, but you've got bigger fish to fry with him.
Sue him in small claims courtfor your possessions or the value thereof.
But, you must be able to prove you had the stuff, or you won't get a dime.
This equates to an illegal eviction (unless you actually left willingly).
Make a police report and ask them to keep the peace while you get your property. Their presence may make him more cooperative, but he doesn't have to let them or you in and they can't make him.
You have a civil issue that you can take to court if you choose to. Keep track of your expenses that you have as a result of being put out... food, hotel, whatever. You can sue him for it but will have to prove the expenses.
If this just happened... technically you are still a resident whether you are on the lease or not. If you wanted to force entry to get YOUR property you could do so. It isn't illegal to break in to your own home. Don't take anything that doesn't belong to you. You will be responsible for any damages as a result of making entry... broken window, whatever.
Yes, he would call the police and report a burglary, but unless they are stupid they will tell both of you that you have a civil issue to settle, not a criminal one.
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