Home Depot HIV/Epilepsy Dsrcimination

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Columbus, OH.

Home Depot store 3828 in Columbus, OH. discriminated against me because I am HIV positive. The HR of my store made me have my HIV doctor disclose my HIV status on a leave of absence form when I became too ill to work. She also threatened to demote me, cut my pay and possibly lose my job. She also "forgot" to turn in an employee donation matching fund to the head quarters of Home Depot.
When she realized she was not going to push me out the door, she told me, "she felt uncomfortable with me being in the building because I have epilepsy." I do have epilepsy and it was a known fact through out the store. I worked for Home Depot for 8 years and no one ever until this point had any problems with me working in the store and having epilepsy.
After countless calls to her office, unprofessional comments, and false statement to me about Home Depot policies, she finally got her wish and I quit.
I was dealing with this new horrifying illness and could not deal with being harassed everyday I worked.
I have filed a complaint with the EEOC but Home Depot, being the "We're too big to touch" company they are pushing my complaint back on me and reported false information to the EEOC about my complaint. I am getting the word out to all who shop at Home Depot, this is why the associates do not smile there anymore. They are treated like disposable diapers. Use them and when they're done, toss them in the garbage.
Filing with the EEOC was the right thing to do since HIV/AIDS is protected under the ADA. But you might want to be careful what you say about them in public, even if you can "prove" what you're saying. At least, not without talking with an attorney about what is actionable and what is not.
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