My divorce was final 11/07 and the judge ordered the house go to auction if neither party placed a sealed bid by 2/08 (and neither of us did that).
My pushy lawyer was trying to make me settle for an auction company that had no references and can not be found on the internet anywhere. When I started asking questions about the auctioneer and told her that I did not have $1,000 to place the auction ad in the paper, she wrote me a nasty letter saying that she was quitting as my attorney and that I'm trying to practice law! The auction date has been set for May 23, 2008. What should I do at this point? My ex has a lawyer, but she has not been a part of arranging this auction. This house in in Virginia.
My pushy lawyer was trying to make me settle for an auction company that had no references and can not be found on the internet anywhere. When I started asking questions about the auctioneer and told her that I did not have $1,000 to place the auction ad in the paper, she wrote me a nasty letter saying that she was quitting as my attorney and that I'm trying to practice law! The auction date has been set for May 23, 2008. What should I do at this point? My ex has a lawyer, but she has not been a part of arranging this auction. This house in in Virginia.