Home never finished

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In 2011 I got a home loan. We closed on 12/30/11. My house wasnt finished when it came time to close. On 12/29/11 I meet with loan specilist at USDA. For my pre closing hearing. I addressed concerns that house wasnt done and wouldnt close unless it was done. At this point Loan lady told me if I didnt go through with closing loan wouldnt be available. All the while promising me she would make sure house was done. So I reluctantly closed loan. In april I called cause house still wasnt done and that noone had ever been back. I told her that I would be calling State Director and filing a complaint. Of which I did only to be shut down. I filed complaint with OIG and it was sent to State Director whom refused to look at it.( Even though she had been to my house and knew it was never finished.) So I called OIG again which started a investagtion into the matter. I was talking to liason officer through out investagation into this for info. Well they always answered me up until Investagtion was over. Now they wont reply to email or phone calls. I received a notice of depostions in march Cause the loan officer was fired over this. So she is challenging this. So I went and done the depostion thing. Is there any recourse I can take to get house finished. USDA has guidelines that they must meet before closing all of which were neglected so that I was stuck with the price of a finished house that was unfinished
Your issue is far too complex, as well as much too private to be addressed on an Internet forum.
I suggest you retain a real estate attorney to learn if you have any remedies and how you might go about in applying them.
Agree that your best bet is to talk to a real estate attorney.
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