My jurisdiction is: Pennsylvania, united states
I live in Philadelphia, and I have since 1987 with my dad, he passed away on 11/02/2007 said he was leaving me the house, he had no will or estate planning. Its paid off and I have been living in it since his death, he has one brother still living that has no interest in the house. So other than my dads brother im the only one left, what do I need to do to put the house in my name, I transfered all the bills into my name long ago and tax's will be due in February. I dont have a lot of money and the house isnt worth much but is there someone you could recommend that i could talk to and have help me with this problem. thank you
I'm not sure if I'm in the right spot for this post and I am very sorry if I'm not.
I'm new here and I have no idea what I'm doing, I just dont know where to turn.
I live in Philadelphia, and I have since 1987 with my dad, he passed away on 11/02/2007 said he was leaving me the house, he had no will or estate planning. Its paid off and I have been living in it since his death, he has one brother still living that has no interest in the house. So other than my dads brother im the only one left, what do I need to do to put the house in my name, I transfered all the bills into my name long ago and tax's will be due in February. I dont have a lot of money and the house isnt worth much but is there someone you could recommend that i could talk to and have help me with this problem. thank you
I'm not sure if I'm in the right spot for this post and I am very sorry if I'm not.
I'm new here and I have no idea what I'm doing, I just dont know where to turn.