Consumer Law, Warranties Home Remodeling Contractor payment dispute

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We contracted with someone to do an addition on our home. The contract was very basic with what he would provide with total cost and allowances for different items. Well, now that the work has been complete, and we are happy with that, we get a final bill that is a surprise to say the least. We knew we had a bunch of credits coming and a "couple" of extras but he never gave an estimate of the extra work (change orders as stated in contract were never done) and charged for things that I thought should have been included and shorted us on some credits.
There's a difference of about $2500 between my total and his. (I say $2300 - he says $4800 owed).To some this may not be alot of $$ but on our end we are pinched to the end and really don't have what he's asking (if we were to agree).
For example: he broke a ceiling fan that was to be relocated so we went out and purchased the exact model $179.14 - he credits us $170.00 (don't think so); on Christmas Eve he worked on the elec box and left 1/2 day. Later in the day something blew in the box and the kitchen elec was out. We called him to come back and he said he didn't have time (too busy cooking) so we told him we would have to call an electrician-we did $315.88, his credit $200.00; he put a chip in our $7000 tub, said it would be $500.00 to have the person come 3 hrs away to fix it. We decided that since we are low on $$ we would take it as a credit and fix it at a later date - his credit $0. On the "extras"- instead of making a straight wall closing in a wall closet we had him make an alcove. $350.00. At the time he told DH, no problem I have to do a wall anyhow. (never a mention of a charge). Tile tub enclosure and tub step $750.00. Now - who ever heard of a tub that the deck isn't tiled? He saw the tub before construction even started and he knew what needed to be done. The step was his idea - for "safety". Again, no mention of extra cost. (Also, he used our wood and plywood to frame it and build it in). So - I say $0 charge. (The contract does say tile work in shower and floor, but again, get real-never any word that it would be "extra").
Counter tops, $450 - ok, never told us the price, but that seems fair for what he did. Extra tile work $1500. (this is the big one). When I drew up the plans I spec'd tile work 48" around the bathroom. When I brought this up he had a fit saying he didn't put it in the quote and that it would be extra. So I specifically showed him the area that I needed to be done (basically behind the toilet) that he was to do. Well, he did it all around the back of the counters too-but never gave a price for any of it. Now I guess we're getting charged. But I don't think we should pay for it all since I was specific.
I know this is going to get nasty and I really hate confrontations with older screaming men and want to be fair - but to us too. Any suggestions? (He flipped when my DH told him what we thought the charges would be and he's already said - see you in court and he'll get his $$ somehow or another). We have a "sit-down" Monday 6pm to discuss. But I'm really at a loss as to what to do.
btw-during the whole construction period he used our tools (he "forgot" some of his) our rubber gloves, wood, nails, etc. and my DH helped him out with the construction (GC is a one man show) and also being gopher for supplies.
(this gives me agida just thinking about it)
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