Homeowners Rights regarding Neighbor Rental

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We live in a small subdivision that "suppose" to have rules. Even though we were never informed of them when we purchased the house.

Our problem is behind us is an an older single wide trailer that is being rented out. Supposedly, renting is against the rules.This isn't a mobile home park, but all the mobiles are on thier own land.The tenant that is in there has a dog kennel with two dogs in it which is infested with fleas. The kennel is up against my fence and is only twenty feet away from my house.Because of this infestation, my backyard and my house has become flea infested. I've been dealing with them for almost six months. I have a severely handicapped child who is medically fragile, and so I can't just fumigate inside.
I called Board of Health, they told me there is nothing they can do. I called Animal Control, and they said there is no law forcing people to get thier pets flea control. And that all I can do is keep spraying outside and fumigating.

Where are my rights?? Why should I have to keep fumigating and spraying while their dogs are infesting my property??

I would like to know what my rights are, and what course of action I could take??
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