Hope this is in the right place

Big breezy

New Member
I hope someone will be able to understand this! And hopefully it's in the correct area!
My mother is in her early 80s. She has been diagnosed with dementia. I had been taking care of her checking account for the last couple of years. January or February of this year my half brother suddenly decided he was going to take charge of the checking account! He just took our mother to the bank without telling me and got a new debit card! He told our sister (I am only a half brother, they are full blood)
I still have online access to her checking account.
Recently the account was used to pay a local dentist $2500 for I don't know what service (my brother is currently having problems with his teeth) . My mother has dentures!
I see lots of trips to the grocery store yet there's hardly any groceries in her kitchen. At least one time paying for gas. My mother no longer has a car!
Also lots of trips to fast food restaurants!
mom not ready to question my sister, I'm not really sure how she will react!
Also I do have some screenshots of the account!
I do have a screenshot of the dentist payment.
Can he just pay for whatever he wants from her account?
Can he just pay for whatever he wants from her account?

Obviously he CAN do it because he IS doing it.

If you want to stop him you will need to petition the court for conservatorship or guardianship over your mother's affairs. With a court order you can retake control of your mother's finances.

Without a court order your brother can continue to use her money with impunity.

One option, if you like, is for you to empty the account so he no longer has access to any of her money.

Then open another account in trust for her and don't tell anybody about it..

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