hospital negligence question

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I was rushed to the hospital June 12 for a gun shot wound to the chest. I suffered a collapsed lung among other injuries. The hospital inserted a tube in my chest June 12 removed it June 13 and sent me home June 14. On June 18 I was rushed to a differnt hospital because I couldnt breathe.There I was told that the chest tube was removed too soon and my lungs had been filling up with blood and fluids since the 13th and I was drowning. So they had to cut me again and insert a bigger chest tube which was left in for five days. The other hospital never did a catscan or anything. Can I sue the first hospital for negligence I almost lost my life twice.
I was rushed to the hospital June 12 for a gun shot wound to the chest. I suffered a collapsed lung among other injuries. The hospital inserted a tube in my chest June 12 removed it June 13 and sent me home June 14. On June 18 I was rushed to a differnt hospital because I couldnt breathe.There I was told that the chest tube was removed too soon and my lungs had been filling up with blood and fluids since the 13th and I was drowning. So they had to cut me again and insert a bigger chest tube which was left in for five days. The other hospital never did a catscan or anything. Can I sue the first hospital for negligence I almost lost my life twice.

First of all, I hope you're doing better.
I hope you're on the road to recovery and good health.
I also hope you are never on the receiving end of a bullet, ever!

Of course, you can sue the first hospital, the janitor, the guy or gal that shot you, the shooter's mother or father, you can even sue me.
You can sue anyone you want.
This is, after all, America, the land of the free and the lawsuit!

If you sued the first hospital, you'd have to prove negligence.
If it is a government owned hospital, you'd have to overcome sovereign immunity.
If it is a teaching hospital, some of those are immune from large lawsuits.

Assuming for discussion purposes, that you were able to overcome any barriers, you couldn't sue for "almost being killed".
Your best bet is to speak with a couple local personal injury lawyers.
You've probably seen their ads on TV.
Or, you can ask friends, relatives, associates for the names of a couple.

See what they have to tell you.
Then make a decision, if the options you seek are possible.
Don't even think about doing this pro se.
If you can do it, you will need a good attorney.
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