Hostile work enviorment

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On October the 12th 2011, I went into work. The day before we had a problem on job site nothing major. My other 2 guys I worked with and myself, my boss and his father were all there. We were discussing the event that happened the day before, when my boss began to scream and cuss at us like usually. He has a pretty bad temper problem. I had worked there for 10 years. He told me to take the day off, so I started for the door. He told me if left not to come back. I turned around and told him I was getting too old to play these games. Then he screamed forget it your fired, and threw his coffee cup on the ground shattering it. So I went to the truck to get my stuff out of it, and he was following being a raving crazy man. I stepped down from the truck he pushed me almost knocking me down. I told him not to touch me and started for the door. As myself and the other three witnesses and my boss still following me screaming at me walked out the door, he was getting in my face and then picked me up slamming me into the building then putting me into a hold. I think the reason he was holding me is because he thought I was going to hit him. Little did he know I wasn't going to and never did.

At the sametime I was leaving, my boss wanted to talk about it cause he knew I was done, and have worked there for along time. I think he knew he messed up. One of my other co-workers quit at the sametime as I did after this took place. So there was three witnesses, plus the whole thing was on camera.

A couple days went by and I went to get my last paycheck. They wouldn't give it to me until I signed a termination report. The termination report didn't state whether I was fired or quit. Alls it said was violation of company policies and/or procedures. For what I don't know. I never touched him.

Anyway I want to know if when I go to re-file for unemployment if I will receive them or not. Also my other co-worker that quit at the sametime unemployment is getting denied. Will this fall underneath a hostile work enviorment? Thank you for your time, and sorry for the lenghtly post.
This doesn't fall under the legal definition of hostile work environment.

However, I have a quick question. Did you report the assault? Do you have a copy of the video?
Sir, I suggest you speak to a lawyer, before you do anything.

In fact, you and the other person that quit, should go together.

You should not tip your hand as to what you're going to do.

Unemployment is chicken feed, compared to what you'll reap from a lawsuit.

I hope your lawyer can get that video.

Man, you just stumbled across the Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine.

It is the mother lode of lawsuits.

I hope you've received medical treatment for your injuries.

One would suspect you've been unable to sleep, eat, or do anything but think about that horrible, unprovoked beating.

Unemployment, that's okay, but your lawsuit could have you owning that company; what with all those medical problems you're encountering.

Heck, you're probably even suffering from PTSD, right?
I wouldn't be counting the pennies just yet.

(Yes, there's a reason why I'm responding in this manner ;) )
I wouldn't be counting the pennies just yet.

(Yes, there's a reason why I'm responding in this manner ;) )

No worries, madam. :)

I fear that certain documents may have been signed, thereby admitting to certain actions that could be problematic for the OP.

However, most first year law students could still get some milk from this cow!

It may not end up being the mother lode, but at $2,000 an ounce, even a few pounds of gold is big money, these days!!!!

And, it still isn't too late to bring battery charges against the abusive boss.
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