House windows broken from neighbors kids

Michelle Nipper

New Member
My neighbor kids broke my house windows they ment to do itthey 10 years old and under outside at 10pm at night they need to pay for damages and they doing it to others people house too what can I do I already got the police involved
You can file suit against the parents for what looks like up to $5000.

IC 34-31-4-1
Maximum limit of liability
Sec. 1. Except as provided in section 2 of this chapter, a parent is liable for not more than five thousand dollars ($5,000) in actual damages arising from harm to a person or damage to property knowingly, intentionally, or recklessly caused by the parent's child if:
(1) the parent has custody of the child; and
(2) the child is living with the parent.
As added by P.L.1-1998, SEC.27.
In any future posts, please make an effort to use something that resembles property capitalization and punctuation. Doing so will make it easier for others to read and understand what you write.

My neighbor kids broke my house windows

How? How can you prove it?

they ment to do it

How can you prove intent?

they need to pay for damages ... what can I do I already got the police involved

What happened when you involved the police? Did the police pay a visit to these children's parents to discuss the matter? Have YOU contacted the parents to discuss? If so, what happened? If not, why not?

As noted in response #2 of the thread, parents are liable for damages "knowingly or recklessly" caused by their minor children, so if they don't pay voluntarily, you can sue in small claims court.
Did you see them do it?
Do you have them on video?
If no to both questions, were there any witnesses?
I chase him but stop my neighbor had carma and now I have a video of the kid it did it I caught him running from my door I was going in another room I was right by the door thank God because I might never would see him

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