Housing Authority not responsive

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New Member
Have had problems getting answers to simple questions from my housing authority. I think I recall my landlord having communication issues with them as well. I'm wondering if a complaint to the civil rights office of HuD would be appropriate to resolve my issue with them?
It's not a civil rights issue.

You have opened three threads about what is apparently a landlord-tenant issue.

Please stop doing that.

I have deleted the other two and have left this one open so you can tell us what your issue is and we will try to help you as best we can.
I'm wondering if a complaint to the civil rights office of HuD would be appropriate to resolve my issue with them?

Hmm, I'm thinking you might give some consideration about contacting your local and/or state elected officials regarding your concerns.

After all, many of them while campaigning for an elective office claim they're running to help the citizenry.

You're one of the citizenry, aren't you?

You are suffering through some issues, aren't you?

Give it a shot, see if anyone of the elected overlords bothers to assist you.
It's not a civil rights issue.

You have opened three threads about what is apparently a landlord-tenant issue.

Please stop doing that.

I have deleted the other two and have left this one open so you can tell us what your issue is and we will try to help you as best we can.

I lost my thread to other one. This is only one

I think Army judge had the best answer
Answer to what? You never even told us what's going on.

So basically I'm porting out of my current housing authority to another county housing authority. There were quiet times and no returned emails or calls to my emails, voicemail. The housing authority has been bad with communication regards to if I am still in the process of porting out, and the persons in charge of my housing voucher never answered my simple questions concerning my voucher, my port out to the other county etc. I did reach out to HUD the other day and they said someone in public housing department would get back to me. I've done that before and the person from HUD said the housing authority must be contacted directly. It just seems like a run around and I feel marginalized by this whole experience. I'm trying to get away from this current housing authority that sucks ars.
I'm really surprised the executive director for the housing authority didn't return my call. I asked him a simple question. Like if there is someone above the two people that handle my voucher.
My landlord has difficulty with communication as well with the housing authority. But I'm sure he couldn't help much in this situation.
Wait...you're complaining
So basically I'm porting out of my current housing authority to another county housing authority. There were quiet times and no returned emails or calls to my emails, voicemail. The housing authority has been bad with communication regards to if I am still in the process of porting out, and the persons in charge of my housing voucher never answered my simple questions concerning my voucher, my port out to the other county etc. I did reach out to HUD the other day and they said someone in public housing department would get back to me. I've done that before and the person from HUD said the housing authority must be contacted directly. It just seems like a run around and I feel marginalized by this whole experience. I'm trying to get away from this current housing authority that sucks ars.
There is no requirement that you use their services.
Avenging Angel you better hope that the people you mentioned in the ^^ posting don't see this or they may just sue you for defamation.
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