Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant How can I find out if I have an arrest warrant?

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Neighbor told me that someone was pounding on my door really hard in the a.m. for about 15 min. Then whoever it was said "they'll have to come back later." I thought it might be the police because I had a traffic warrant but I called them and gave my name and address and they said it wasn't them. The said they don't come out for traffic warrants. It was a bench warrant and they added on FTA because I got an extension then I never got the new date as it was returned to the court. I called the city where the ticket was and another city nearby. so I called 3 police departments total and even spoke with warrant department and the sheriff department and they all said they didn't come and they don't do it for traffic.

I'm freaking out because no one would come to my door early a.m. and the police say its not them? I'm worried I have some warrant I don't know about...Is there anyway to find nationwide? I even did one of those online searches and nothing came up but I don't know how accurate those are.

Anyone know how I can do a nationwide warrant search?
It might be the state constabulary, state investigators,or even FEDERAL investigators/agents or US Marshals.

Are you involved, or have you ever been involved in the sale, manufacture, or transportation of ILLEGAL drugs?
Don't answer here, just consider that you could have been secretly indicted. Or, a competing drug syndicate may have a hit out on you and sent a hit man to KILL YOU.

So many possibilities.

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