How can I get a 24 yr. old support order ammended to a reasonable amount? All arrears.


New Member
I contacted the local child support office in CA. which said they have no open case for me since child is emancipated. FL. enforces the 24 yr. old order which is and has always severely hindered my ability to work and take care of my family. It's the biggest mistake of my life but has come to a point that I have to have some relief. My two juvenile boy's well-being depends on finally getting a handle on this impossible payment.
If the State is getting the money because the custodial parent was on State benefits, then don't hold your breath. Your only other chance is if the money is owed the custodial parent and that person agrees to reduce the arrears.
If the State is getting the money because the custodial parent was on State benefits, then don't hold your breath. Your only other chance is if the money is owed the custodial parent and that person agrees to reduce the arrears.
Pretty sure state benefits ended 20 yrs. ago. Thank you.
Pretty sure state benefits ended 20 yrs. ago. Thank you.
So, I guess that means that money is still owed to the state? Why do you think that the taxpayers of said state should be on the hook for having supported your children?
I contacted the local child support office in CA. which said they have no open case for me since child is emancipated. FL. enforces the 24 yr. old order

Hold on a second. It sounds like there was a child support order issued by a court in California 24 years ago. It further appears that you now live in Florida. And any child or children to whom the support order pertains are obviously well into their 20s (or older) now. All correct?

But the child support enforcement authority in Florida is still garnishing your wages based on this 24 year old order. Also correct?

Under both California and Florida law, child support terminates no later than the child's 19th birthday, unless there are circumstances that warrant the payment of support into the child's adult years (e.g., if the child is unable to support him/herself because of a disability). Is/are your child(ren) who is/are the subject of this support order disabled in some way?

Is the order that is currently being enforced for arrears?

Regardless of how you answer these questions, the answer to the question you asked is that you'll need to file a petition or motion to modify or terminate the support order.
How much is alleged you owe?
How much did you ever pay?
I suspect you owe money you never paid, which is called an arrearage.

The order stands until you pay it off or die!!!
In what way has it hindered your ability to work? Is the order for arrears?

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yes, arrears. I struggle to pay the amount they want. I have something every month this year, not always the full amount. My DL has been suspended twice this year and the computer has kicked my DL every month. I run my own construction business. My work depends on a valid DL.
So, I guess that means that money is still owed to the state? Why do you think that the taxpayers of said state should be on the hook for having supported your children?
First of all, welfare was only received when she moved to CA. Did not last long. I have paid way more money than received in benefits. So, taxpayers not footing the bill. The amount was set using calculations for the state of CA. A lot different cost of living where I live. I have never been able to afford the payment. It is like a car or house payment to me. The interest on arrears is what has killed me. The daily application of interest by CA. on what is owed is exactly how money has corrupted the system. Do you realize how much money states would lose if the CS system were reformed to reflect equality and fairness. I have two minor boys, 15 and 5, that live with me full time. I don't ask the government or their mothers to help me. I live a completely independent and self-sufficient life, unlike these welfare queens whom are allowed to have children while receiving benefits. I made my mistakes in the way I handled this situation, but I don't appreciate your assumptions.

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