Criminal Records, Expungement How can I get my criminal record expunged?

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Four years ago, I pled guilty to a felony charge of Eavesdropping which invaded the privacy of another in the state of georgia and was sentenced to 3 years probation, one of which had to be supervised. I have since compleated this sentence and have relocated to New Hampshire where all of my family is. I have since finished school and have earned a degree and would like to teach or at the very least get a respectable job where I can support my wife and new children. I am not denying guilt and I fully accept responsibility of my past actions, but I feel as though I have committed the crime and thus served the time. How do I go about get my criminal records expunged? How do I go about having my constituional rights such as the right to vote and the right to bare arms restored? Is this two different processes? I now live in New Hampshire, can anything be done at the local level or must it be taken care of in Georgia in the county where I pled guilty? How much can these things cost? What is the likelyhood of my records being expunged? I made a very foolish mistake in my younger years, I feel as though I have paid for the mistake greatly and I now wish to move on with my life. Any and all help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.
So I found out that I have a probationary warrant out for my arrest which was issued over three years ago. There is no fee attached to this warrant, but because of this warrant, my first time offenders act has not been discharged and my record has not been sealed. I thought I had satisfyed the terms of my probation, but I guess not. I contacted my old lawyer down in Georgia who said that if I can get him a $1500 reatiner he can make the warrant disappear and make my first time offenders act be discharged which should seal my record. Now I have two questions: Once my criminal record is sealed and I go through the criminal backround checks, will anything pop up preventing me from getting a teaching job? In essence will my criminal rcored be expunged or does sealing work differently? Also because of this criminal record I am constantly low on funds, is there any resources I can contact to see if I can get help with funding for a lawyer? Or is there perhaps a way to satisfy everything myself without using a lawyer? Thanks for the help.
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