How can I get rid of him?

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New Member
Ok so I moved in with my fiance' and another guy friend. All three of us are on the lease. But it was my name that was run for the credit for the home Also all the utilitys are in my name. Three of us had a verbal agreement that as long as I cooked all meals, cleaned all the home, and washed all clothes, While I didn't have a job, my part of the rent would be paid by them. Well now my fiance' and I have split and I want him out. I am now paying for rent.
My questions are:
can I kick him out/evict him or does the landlord have to?
Also Can he kick me out or have any say in my standings?
And if I can evict him how and where do I go for that info?
I live in Atlanta, Georgia. THank you
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