how can I go about applying for a hardship license when there has been a judgement?

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Background story: about 4 years ago I was involved in an accident, at the time I had my license but no liability insurance. Eventually my license was suspended for a year(applied for to and from work driving through the DMV and was granted) and also after about a year after the accident I was served by the other partie's insurance company. They won the case(on default) and so a judgement was entered. Originally I entered into a sort of payment arrangement where I would pay $75 for the first 12 months, then $100 the next 12, then $125 with incriments of $25 annually untill the full debt was paid in full(total is about $10,000). This agreement was entered in the summer of '06 and I made payments as agreed upon for a few months. I fell behind in late '06(had just gotten into real estate, very slow to say the least) a couple of months, but luckily I closed on a deal with which I was able to pay the two months back, plus I figured I would pay three months in advance to help avoid falling behind again.
In February of '07 I felt something wasnt right internally with me and after finally going in to get a physical the next day I get a call and was told that it appeared I had renal failure(kidney) and that I should go to the emergency hospital, I ended up staying 2 weeks there and have been on dialysis since. I wasnt able to work much, The dialysis schedule was three times a week for 4 hours each session. needless to say I fell behind once again. My mistake was in not calling the judgement attourney handling the case for the insurance company to discuss the issue. I let it go hoping I would be able to work and make enough money to where I would bring it current once more like I had done before. Once again a mistake was made by my part by letting close to 6 months go by (by then) and still not calling, by then I had received a letter stating that my dirving privilages were going to be suspended (if I recall correctly in the letter it said "per the contract arrangement") by December 22, 2007. I called the attourney but it was too late by then he said. I also went to the DMV to see if I could apply for a hardship license like I had a few years back but to no avail. They told me that only the attourney handling the judgement case could lift the suspension.

My question is this, is there any way to legally "force" them to allow me to have a hardship driver license for work/medical related driving? At this point I havent refused to pay, its simply hard to get a job without a driver's license. As its a requirement with jobs I'm capable of doing(given my medical condidtion). The other alternative I have is filing bankrupcy, but I'd like to avoid that if at all possible. Thanks in advance.
Sorry to hear about your problems, truly. But it sounds like you need to take care of the suspension before you can proceed further. You aren't likely to be granted special treatment for a hardship if you haven't taken care of what you already need do with yet another strike. The DMV won't hand out licenses just because its hard without a car, e.g. DUI - just making a point. I am not familiar with the particulars of procedure here but you have available to you the people who can give you the best information to take care of fixing this latest hurdle due to your lack of managing affairs properly. Good luck.
There is always an alternative - some are just better than others.

Filing for bankruptcy won't get you a hardship license, either.

Depending on the policies in your state, you should be able to schedule a hearing on your license suspension and ask that it be reinstated or that you be given a hardship license. But, if the license was suspended at the direction of the court, you may have to go back to the court and explain the problem to the judge there.

Speak to that attorney that handled your case and see if he or she can offer any advice on the matter.

- Carl
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