How can I legally get out of my lease?

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New Member
I signed a lease with my roommate in November 2008. Everything was fine but he moved out so he found a new roommate. I haven't signed a new lease with the new roommate yet and I don't think that I will as he has been living ther eover a month now and the landlord hasn't said anything. The new roommate is refusing to pay his share of utilities. I was wondering since he isn't on the lease with me, can he be evictied or can I get out of my lease early because the previous roommate isn't there? Is my lease still valid since he moved out and I haven't signed a lease with the current one?
All these folks living in places without leases and roommates signing leases together without the benefit of the landlord signing anything! Very confusing!

Was your lease DIRECTLY with the first roommate or did the landlord also sign the lease approving the two of you living there?

In that case, you are still legally responsible for your remaining months on the lease.

Your only option might be to find someone to take over your part of the lease.

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