How can I protect myself?

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I start a private babysitting job next month in my home. One child. I have raised 2 children of my own, so I do have the experience. Although I am a very safety conscious person, there is always the fear (God forbid) of the child having an accident while under my care. I would like to know how I can protect myself from being sued, but at the same time, I don't want to scare the parent away or make them doubt my ability to do a good job. I am not a licensed daycare provider, but a baby-sitter. I guess you can say it's a "better safe than sorry" precaution I definitely want to take. Are there any legal forms out there that I could have them sign? What I'm looking for is something simple, yet precise. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Thrre is no waiver that you can have the parents sign that would release you of liability. I have used 2 home daycare providers and neither had me sign a waiver. If an accident does happen, the parents would have to prove some sort of negligence on your part. Kids will be kids and every so often a small injury might happen, no fault of your own. Hopefully you have renters or homeowners insurance, that is all you need but unless the child suffers a serious injury due to your negligence, they really cannot hold you liable.
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