How can I retain my employment status?


New Member
I'm a federal employee with career status. I have two complaints dealing with denial of promotion, denial of reasonable accommodation, and retaliation. The agency is going to terminate/remove me based on the grounds that I lied on my application saying I was an expert because of my performance. My performance has gone down due to my disability. I was told by EEO that they will win on this grounds and that they will not do a settlement nor ADR because once I'm terminated the complaints descision will go away because I'm not longer there. I'm also a disabled veteran. What should I do?
There are no circumstances whatsoever under which the employer is required to accept substandard performance due to a disability.
Agree that even with a disability they do not have to accept performance that is not up to their standards. You also lied, it seems, on your application - that can be a reason for dismissal.