How Can I Stop Ubiquitous and Repeated Harassment from Retail Establishments in my Neighborhood?


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How Can I Stop Ubiquitous and Repeated Harassment from Retail Establishments in my Neighborhood?

I am being harassed based on a rumor that my former employer (whom I left 10 years ago) started. I feel threatened in grocery stores. I feel threatened in restaurants. I've tried shopping at the same chains but in different cities and have gotten harassed. I'd like to get a court injunction against these establishments, perhaps where they are compelled to write a letter of apology and then to treat me with common decency and respect.
How Can I Stop Ubiquitous and Repeated Harassment from Retail Establishments in my Neighborhood?

I am being harassed based on a rumor that my former employer (whom I left 10 years ago) started. I feel threatened in grocery stores. I feel threatened in restaurants. I've tried shopping at the same chains but in different cities and have gotten harassed. I'd like to get a court injunction against these establishments, perhaps where they are compelled to write a letter of apology and then to treat me with common decency and respect.
What state? What was the rumor? What type of harassment?

Why would your former employer do this?
Threatened how?
By whom?
Under what circumstances?

Harassed how?
By whom?
Under what circumstances?

How does everybody know your name and your face at all these different places in different cities?
How Can I Stop Ubiquitous and Repeated Harassment from Retail Establishments in my Neighborhood?

Anything you do, other than staying out of the establishments you THINK are harassing you, will have little (if any) impact on the ones you THINK are harming you.

That said, you are free to relocate to any of the other 49 states and the five or six territories. Heck, you're even free to emigrate to the 120 odd civilized nations on the planet.

I'd like to get a court injunction against these establishments, perhaps where they are compelled to write a letter of apology and then to treat me with common decency and respect.

You could discuss your desires with a couple of the hundreds of outstanding attorneys in Loss Angeles County, CA.

However, I'd minimize my expectations.
How Can I Stop Ubiquitous and Repeated Harassment from Retail Establishments in my Neighborhood?

I am being harassed based on a rumor that my former employer (whom I left 10 years ago) started. I feel threatened in grocery stores. I feel threatened in restaurants. I've tried shopping at the same chains but in different cities and have gotten harassed. I'd like to get a court injunction against these establishments, perhaps where they are compelled to write a letter of apology and then to treat me with common decency and respect.

Your post repeatedly says you "feel threatened" but you don't tell us what it is they do (or you think they do) that makes you feel that way. You likely won't like to hear this, but in my experience when someone complains about being repeatedly feeling watched or harassed by complete strangers in multiple locations in different cities the real problem is usually in the mind of the individual victim; e.g. he or she is perceiving something that is not really occurring. There are more than a few people who suffer from that kind of problem. Consider though, how likely it is that all these people would recognize you simply off a 10 year old rumor and decide to treat you poorly because of it? It's not likely that all those people have been told about the rumor and know what you look like and care enough to have it burned in their memory to recognize you when you show up at their store.

You may or may not be getting poorer treatment at these places than other customers. If you are, the reason might have nothing to do with that 10 year old rumor. It might perhaps have something to do with whatever you do when you go to these stores. If you expect to be treated badly and get anxiety about it as a result, others will pick up on that and your encounter with them may start out a bit uncomfortable. Conversations that start out that way have a tendency to go downhill from there.

So my first suggestion is that you seek an appointment with a therapist and discuss what you see as going on and see if at least part of the problem might be something about you that you can change that will make future encounters with others go better.

I'm not seeing the basis for any legal action against these places primarily because your posts lacks detailed information about what these places actually do to you when you go there. Just telling us you "feel threatened" doesn't give me all that much to go on. I can't tell how reasonable your fears are or what may be done about with just that information. It's important to know exact what they do.
I am being harassed

How and by whom?

a rumor that my former employer (whom I left 10 years ago) started.

What rumor?

I feel threatened in grocery stores . . . [and] restaurants.

Threatened by whom? What is happening that is causing you to "feel threatened"?

I've tried shopping at the same chains but in different cities and have gotten harassed.

Harassed by whom? And why?

I'd like to get a court injunction against these establishments

What is happening to you that makes you think it would be appropriate for a court to become involved?

perhaps where they are compelled to write a letter of apology and then to treat me with common decency and respect.

I have never heard of a court ordering anyone to write a letter of apology, and a court cannot order someone to treat another with "common decency and respect." Courts don't exist to govern personal relationships.
I'm sorry to hear about your experiences with harassment in your neighborhood. It sounds like this is a very difficult and upsetting situation to deal with. Have you considered speaking with a lawyer or legal expert about your options for getting an injunction against these retail establishments?

Oh, stop it! Don't feed into OP's mental delusions.

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