How could that be


New Member
New York
Got into an accident .called the other persons insurance to find out about car getting fixed. Not only did I have to chase him after he didn't stop.which nothing was done about...but he still hasn't reported the accident.,and if they can't get in contact with him soon they will drop the claim meaning I won't get my car fixed.but they will still keep him insured? ??how could that be possible? ??
if they can't get in contact with him soon they will drop the claim meaning I won't get my car fixed.but they will still keep him insured? ??how could that be possible? ??

Well, you don't know for sure that they will keep him insured. There's likely a state law prohibiting mid term cancellations but the insurance company may have a right to non-renew on a limited basis for underwriting reasons including lack of cooperation on a claim which is a breach of the insurance contract.

Meantime, the other driver's insurance company is not your insurance company and owes you nothing until a court of law says so.

You have the option of having your own collision coverage repair your car and then your insurance company will attempt to get reimbursed.

If you don't have collision coverage you have the option of suing the other driver.
It's always best to report any accident to your own ins. co. no matter who you believe is at fault - the ins. cos. will determine fault for ins. purposes.
Thank you for the update. I'm glad you prevailed to some extent.

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