How do I evict a subtenant?

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How do I evict a subtenant? I am the master tenant and gave him a 30 day notice to find a new place. He hasn't moved out and the due date has passed. He refuses to leave until he finds an "acceptable" place to live. He wrote me a check for half of June's rent and told me, "I'll cut you another check if I don't find a place by the 14th of June." He's a slob, his room stinks and leaks out to the living room, and he is disrespectful to the other housemates. We are all unhappy that he is here, yet he refuses to leave. He smokes in the house, his check has bounced once, and he never cleans up after himself. He told my other roommate (who wants him out as well) that he will contact his lawyers if I change the locks. He has a history of anger issues and I just want him out of my house! What do I do? Why won't this guy just leave?
You can't change the locks.

If you do, it allows him to screw you.

You can ask him to leave.

Don't accept any rent checks from him once you have asked him to leave.

If he doesn't leave when asked, you have to file an eviction action in court.

Google your county, state, and eviction to find out what forms you need for your city and state.

California is very friendly to landlords.

Good luck.

Until he's evicted, which only a judge can do, just ignore him.

Do not lock him out.
It doesn't matter if he has been there 4 months or 4 years. The process is the same.
The process to evict him is the same as for your landlord to evict you.
Speaking of your landlord, does your lease allow you to sublet? If so- you might find that YOUR landlord can help you through this process. If not- you better keep things under wraps...
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